Aggressive Faith

By Ana Blackwell

The gap between the heavenly and earthly realms is great. Not in the way we count distance, no, rather in their differences. Unfortunately, the Earth is in a fallen state and things don’t work as they once did. On top of that, we have to deal with demonic forces that love to stand in the way of our answered prayers.


Recall Daniel, he prayed to God but only received a response 21 days later (Daniel 10:2-3). When the angel showed up he told Daniel his prayer was answered that first day, it simply took time to deliver the response. Wow! So, we see there is a disconnect between the spiritual and physical, which is where faith comes in. If the praying man would have given up because God did not respond with a resounding boom on that first day, history could look much different for Israel.


It took a special kind of faith for Daniel to pray and fast for three weeks and it is time we follow in his footsteps. Aggressive faith, that’s what it is going to take if you want to see your prayers answered. When you come to God with requests that are in His will, the Lord will gladly answer and provide.


The three enemies are time, doubt, and demons who get in the way of our promises. The Christian lifestyle is not for the weak-hearted. This is a warzone and the fight of the faith must be carried out every single day. There is no room for second-guessers, or those who are like weeds which bend every-which-way the wind blows.


We must be aggressive; there is no other option. The devil hates that you and I have been cleansed of our sin and given a new nature. Our salvation is a gift of God, so we do not work for that (Romans 6:23), but everything else that comes after we said yes to Jesus, you better strap on your helmet because it is a wildly dangerous ride.


Time will become an enemy if the heavens seem closed to fervent prayers. Fortunately, the Father is listening to anything that we pray in Jesus name, so there is no such thing as a shut heaven (John 14:13). The Lord never puts to shame those who are His; therefore, He will not ignore those who lift up holy hands and prayers. Jesus talks about the earthly judge who was pestered by that widow, and even though he didn’t care about her, the judge was tired of hearing her complaints, so he granted her the desire of her heart (Luke 18:1-8). How much more will the Heavenly Father care about our needs and supplications? If it seems as though God is taking a long time, keep believing. Keep praying. Read His word and don’t lose hope, your promise is hovering between heaven and earth, it has simply encountered interference. Don’t fret, go after God in an even greater way. That will make the devil real confused.


What about doubt? We have all encountered it. It sneaks in and creeps up like smells of a chicken farm while you’re driving. The best way to counteract this wretched thing is by reading the Word of God. Pick any book starting from Genesis to Revelations, and watch how the Lord keeps every single one of His promises. Read, read, and then read some more until you feel doubt dissipate. Be aggressive. The louder the doubt, the more pages you can read.


Every circumstance is different so I will not give specific scriptures. Sometimes you may need to read the book of Esther to find hope that drowns out the doubt. Other times you will need to read about Joseph’s journey to see how God turns around what the enemy meant for evil. There are endless exhibits of God’s response to people’s prayers and needs that you will just have to aggressively search until that doubt is replaced.


Lastly, I will talk about spiritual principalities. They are real and they get in the way of our answered prayers way too many times (Ephesians 6:12). Whether it is healing, salvation for a family member, finances, or whatever; demons will try to keep you from living in the goodness of God. I suppose they want us to think God is unkind and distant. In fact, many have stopped praying and believing by subscribing to this lie.  


Aggression is the only attitude these beings understand. I don’t mean go around your house screaming at the devil like the lady from War Room. Sure, it was good for a movie moment but in real life, the devils could care less if you yell at the top of your lungs. The only thing these creatures fear is the Lord. Watch how fast they flee when you whisper the name of Jesus while the Holy Spirit is all over you.


A big misconception is that if you mention the name of Jesus, the demons will tremble and run out screaming. It is not true. It matters that you know the One who is called Jesus. You must have a walk with Him-talk with Him kind of relationship. If you do so, His Spirit will accompany you and then the devils will know you are not a copycat, but the real thing. Watch them run out so fast when you walk in a room that they will bud heads with one another. Then you will see refreshment and prayers answered.


Again, the way is not easy. It takes aggression and much preparation. There is no other way that you can win while here on Earth. Now come on, let’s get to work and see prayers answered that have been a long time coming. This can be the year God’s promise is fulfilled in your life.


Preparations (Car Sermon One)


My Psalm to God (Psalm 151)