The Most Awaited Gift

By Ana Blackwell

God sent His Son into the world to save the lost. Though the King of ages had arrived, the world at large did not know it. They thought it was a plain old, silent night. The Light had come at last, yet who would recognize Him? People were unaware the Creator was among them, in flesh and blood. Mankind did not realize their  Savior was already in their midst. The One who is mighty and who has no equal, was born in humility. The God who owns the universe was welcomed in a manger among the cattle. If only the innkeepers knew they turned away the One who’s heaven is His throne and the Earth,; His footstool. For who would ever suspect a baby boy to be the one who would slay darkness? Who could imagine that this tiny creature was the greatest gift humanity would ever know?

     Now, take a look around.  This isn’t another insignificant night. The King is among His own. During such a time as this; He wants His children to know that great miracles may just come in small packages, and simple beginnings. Therefore, recognize the gifts the Lord has granted you!

If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit -Galatians 5:25


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