True Worship

By Kyle Blackwell

It has been said that what makes a real man is not what they do in front of an audience, but what their actions are behind closed doors. With God, there is nothing that is secret. Growing up, I always acted as if I were on the narrow path while attending church. However, I was dark and wicked once I left those four walls. What did I prove to mankind by doing this? It does not matter what they thought of me. The one who truly matters sees everything.

We are dealing with a God who, according to Luke 12:7, has all of our hairs numbered. It would be remarkable enough if He just knew how many hair follicles are on my head, but Luke stated that He has our hairs numbered. Meaning, if one hair falls off my head, my Lord knows the number of that particular hair as being 4,383.

This Holy God of mine is all knowing. There is nothing to hide that He has not already seen before the beginning of time itself. I am reminded of the book of Isaiah, where the Lord has lost interest in Israel’s sacrifices being brought to the altar. Unfortunately, this is very relatable to myself. How many times have I disappointed God because I was acting the part of a Christian, yet I was leaving out one key piece, being Christ-like?

When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— I cannot bear your worthless assemblies. -Isaiah‬ ‭1:12-13‬

The sacrificing of animals served as two purposes: the atonement for sin and the obedience of having reliance in God, first fruits. The Israelites had the audacity to think they could bring their sacrifices before God Almighty, give their fake praises, live the life they wanted, yet still receive blessings from God. This also reminds me of myself.

I love how, when we study around Easter, the week leading up to Christ’s crucifixion, the Israelites are ridiculed for laying palm branches and praising their Messiah on Palm Sunday, yet they are yelling “crucify Him” only a few days later. I have to give them credit for waiting as long as they did. What about now, how we praise God and read our Bibles between 11 and 12 on Sunday morning, but we go back to gossiping, adultery, pornography, pride and alcohol at 12:01, when we leave these four walls called a church?

When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood! -Isaiah‬ ‭1:15‬ ‭

He does not even hear our prayers! This is not true worship. What is the difference between playing holy one hour every Sunday, and what the Pharisees did when Jesus was bashing them for washing their hands while their hearts were unclean (Matthew 15:1-20)?

Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. -Isaiah‬ ‭1:16‬

Now, people may say this is Old Testament, or Old Covenant. They could not be further from the truth. Everything Jesus preached came from the Old Testament. I’m not talking about legalism. I’m talking about worshiping the God of the universe in a worthy manner.

So what exactly is true worship? All too often we get the idea of worshiping God is singing hymns and lifting our voices to Him. That is one act of worship, but what about after the song ends? What do we do in that case?

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. -Romans‬ ‭12:1‬

It is easy to put on an act for others and play holy. However, God does not see us this way. If you have been called into the Kingdom, you were called for a purpose, and that purpose was not for you to live out your fleshly desires. You were called to be Holy. Does this mean we will be perfect? Of course not! But we are to take up our cross and follow Him daily (Luke 9:23).

I think that one huge misconception that people have over the Christian faith is what Grace means. Grace is the liberty to obey and serve, not to sin. But you must understand that human morality is not the source of your righteousness, Christ is! When you look at Grace in these terms you are able to understand that following Christ is not about being legalistic, following a set group of laws. You do need to obey Christ and what He preached, but the obeying is not what gets you to Heaven, it is His Blood. Remember, we are to always put on the Breastplate of Righteousness. Meaning, we are not living in our own righteousness, but His.

Knowing that God sent His only son, Jesus, to become sin who knew no sin (2 Corinthians 5:21), it is no wonder that God wants us to walk a narrow path in order to enter the narrow gate (Matthew 7:14). This way is pleasing to God.

Have you so quickly forgotten that you were bought with a price? Have you forgotten why Jesus suffered on that old rugged cross? God loves to see those who have been adopted into sonship, glorifying His son’s Holy name, worshiping Him with a repentant and changed heart. Nothing is out of reach from God’s eyes. He does not want our sloppy seconds. He wants all of us. And when we lay down our wicked self, in order to walk in newness of life with a cultivated heart, we are able to worship our Holy God in a way that truly pleases Him.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge -Hosea 4:6


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