Perils of Pornography

By Kyle Blackwell

Ted Bundy is one if the most well known serial killers in American history. He thrived on raping his victims and beating them to death. Shortly before he was executed, Bundy was interviewed by Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family. During that interview, Bundy had two main objectives that he wanted to convey to the public. He wanted to clear his family’s name and expose the evils of pornography.

Mr. Bundy grew up in a very loving and Christian home. Past family abuse is prevalent in both serial killers and sexual predators, but Bundy experienced none of this in his childhood home. He did mention, however, that he was exposed to pornography when he was 13 years old, through magazines he found in a neighborhood dumpster. Critics of this admission were quick to respond by stating that Bundy’s level of disregard for human life cannot stem from pornography. The truth is that these “experts” are not familiar with the demonic realm and the doors that are open to the human mind after one is exposed to pornography. They probably do not like hearing a serial killer make excuses of any kind. The issue is that he is right about the dangers pornography has on the mind and the so-called experts completely denied his remarks.

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty science of the matter. Porn changes your brain. Watching it over and over results in addiction.  The brain produces the neurotransmitter called dopamine, or as others call it, the reward chemical. Every time one watches videos or images on the internet, the brain gets a hit. It is an easy and fast way to feel rewarded, so the brain likes that. In other words, it feels good. This is the same way that drug addiction works. When it comes down to the chemical level, it is the same process. Porn addiction can result in decreased function of the frontal lobe. The ability to think deeply, remember, act appropriately, control impulse, plan, organize, and have good judgment is drastically affected. There is even porn induced ADHD because the brain has been hard wired to click a button on the internet for reward instead of getting rewards in a healthy way. The longer one watches pornography, the more activity in the frontal lobe drops. Lastly, porn affects mood regulation. The more one watches porn, the more dopamine the brain will demand in order to feel good. This is also known as built tolerance. It is no wonder mood and finding pleasure in daily life is greatly affected.

My pastor has mentioned over the past few months how gender identity is a prevalent issue in America; he is correct. From where does this issue stem? You guessed it, pornography. You cannot solve an issue to a problem if you do not know the root cause.

I saw an interview that Tucker Carlson performed with a young lady named Helena Kerschner. This girl started transitioning into a “male” after getting addicted to transition memes, which are pornographic, on a social media platform. Thank God, this girl found her way out. It is my prayer that she also finds Jesus.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. -1 Peter 5:8

Why does God want us to be alert and have a sober mind? When we open the door to sin, we are opening the door for the devil to come in and overtake us. Pornography is only an entry point. Once he works his way in through pornography, he will start attacking our mind, which will eventually make its way to our actions and decision making. Then, he will infect our social life and how we view people. After that, he will intrude in our relationships, more importantly, our marriages.

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery -Galatians 5:19

Paul stated that the acts of the flesh are obvious. These sexual desires will be brought to light. You can hide them for a little while, but they will eventually be exposed by the light. For those living in the church with any kind of sexual addiction, their secret life will be made known. You cannot live in both light and in darkness.

By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?” -Matthew 7:16

I was addicted to porn for a very long time. This article is one that I have put a lot of thought into and one that has been in the process of being written since I first became a Christian. You can understand why I am so passionate about this subject. I have my phone blocked to a degree that I can’t even search up the Songs of Solomon on my device because I have no trust in my flesh. I know the dangers of pornography and I know how the devil uses it to attack one’s very soul.

According to a study administered by the Barna Group just last year, 64% of Christian men and 15% of Christian women admitted to watching pornography once a month. The sad part is that amongst non-believers, numbers were 65% of men and 30% of women admitting to watching porn within the same time frame. There is not much difference. Do believers not know the power that is within them? My last article was on the power of the Blood. It is through Jesus’ Blood that we are able to overcome addiction. This same study stated that 93% of pastors admitted to there being a pornography issue in their church, yet only 7% of pastors stated that their church has a program that helps people overcome porn addiction.

The biggest issue I see is that most addicts of pornography, just like alcoholics and drug users, think that being sexually immoral only affects the consumer. The truth is that studies show marriages infected with this disease have a 300 percent increase in divorce rate. This affects both the husband/wife and kids who are involved. Not only that, but it eventually reduces production at work. Pornography will effect mood swings and so much more.

It also ruins churches. Don’t believe me? What does the Bible say about people who take part in the Lord’s Supper while living in unrepentant sin? I’m not going to go into great detail because I already wrote about this in Seriousness at the Table, but there are truly two separate tables present when the Lord’s Supper is presented. One table is the Table of the Lord. The other is the table of the demons.

You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons. Are we trying to arouse the Lord’s jealousy? Are we stronger than he? -1 Corinthians 10: 21-22

This explains why satan entered Judas when he partook of the bread at the Last Supper.

As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. So Jesus told him, “What you are about to do, do quickly. -John 13:27

In 1 Corinthians chapter 11, Paul explains that many are weak and sick because they do not examine themselves prior to taking the Bread and drinking the Cup. They are bringing judgement upon themselves by taking the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner. Maybe this is why America’s churches present the Lord’s Supper only a few times a year. The pastors are afraid that their congregation will get sick and be lead astray by the devil.

I know that all this sounds as though I lost my train of thought, but everything I’ve written so far explains the reason why pornography is so damaging in churches and needs to be preached about more often. Why else do you think Jesus, Paul and Peter talked about sexual immorality and lust so often? This stuff messes with your mind. And the mind is the battleground for the spirit world. If your mind is not filled with Holy Spirit, it is filled with another spirit, demons.

So here is the deal, pornography devalues human beings. This is why abortion is more accepted. Just like drugs, the more you have, the more hard core material you need. This is why transsexualism and gender identity is such a manifesting problem. Pornography brings acceptance to all kinds of evils and it needs to be exposed for the deceitful trash it is.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge -Hosea 4:6


Why People Don’t Change


Power of the Blood